This is probably the most highly-developed trace in the beach angler’s armoury. It is certainly very efficient at delivering small baits big distances without splattering the load across the sky.
THE CLIPPED VERSION of a three-hook mono paternoster rig offers increased casting distance as well as bait care during its flight out to sea.
Hook baits are clipped close to the bodyline of the rig to make the overall trace streamlined. Construction is more complicated because dimensions of each snood needs to be precise so that the hook can be clipped tightly to the clip below.
There are a host of clip systems available, although by far the most efficient and fail safe is the combination of a Breakaway Impact lead and the Breakaway Cascade swivels – no other hook bait clip device comes close. This system clips the lower hook to the Impact system built into the lead and then the hooks on the snoods above clip into a small hook on the Cascade swivel below.
On impact with the sea the lead releases the lower hook, which in turn releases the hooks above in a cascade affect. Other bait clips can jam up and remain clipped up during the duration of the cast.
Competition anglers often use this rig because it offers maximum distance with multi baits. Triple hook baits produce a large scent trail and let the angler try a range of different baits.
The rig is also a favourite among pleasure anglers fishing for smaller species like dabs, whiting, pouting, soles and flounders.
The dimensions of the rig have an effect on how far you can cast and a short stubby rig with all three-hook baits spaced over 4ft will cast further than a rig with three hooks spaced along a 6ft trace.
Hook baits clipped closer to the lead will improve the balance and aerodynamic shape of the rig and that’s why the next step for increased distance is the two-up, one-down clipped rig.
However, each rig design and its dimensions offer separate advantages and these should be considered in relation to conditions, venues and the species sought.