THE GREAT DESIGN feature of the Wishbone rig is that it tucks two baited hooks close behind the lead weight creating minimum drag for maximum range.
This rig has various uses and while it is the perfect solution to fishing far off with two single baits it also allows a combination of baits or cocktails to be used in tandem. It is recognised as the perfect bait delivery system for all maximum range fishing challenges.
It is also a match fishing favourite for taking dogfish and whiting as well as rays, smoothhounds and other summer species that feed at long range.
The Wishbone’s one restriction is that it is easily tangled and is therefore best suited to strong tide situations, although this trace tangles more often during the retrieve.
Components you need
This is a power casting terminal rig so top quality components must be used throughout. Rig bodyline must equate to 10lb breaking strain for every ounce cast. This means a 5oz lead should be cast in conjunction with 50lb mono and a 50lb leader. In fact, we would recommend you raise the safety factor by using 60lb line.
● Rig body line – minimum 60lb
● Hook snood – 20lb and 30lb Amnesia or similar memory-free snood line
● 70lb-plus swivel for top of rig
● Gemini Genie lead link for bottom of rig
● 2 x 45lb swivels
● 4 x micro rig beads
● Rig crimp
● 15lb Power Gum or tubing for stop knot
● Silicone tubing
● Sequins/beads
● 2 x size 2-1/0 hooks
● Breakaway Impact Lead

1. Tie a 70lb+ swivel to the top of a 4-5ft long piece of 60lb line. Cut the other end at an angle and thread on a crimp, micro bead, 45lb swivel, and another bead
2. Add an SRT spring below the lower bead, then another bead and fi x its position with a Power Gum stop knot. Add a Genie link at the bottom. Tie a short length of snood line (orange used here) to the swivel

3. Tie a 45lb swivel to the end of the snood line. The rig body length should be twice that of this snood to prevent the hooks tangling with the top swivel
4. Run a length of 20lb line through the lower eye of the swivel. A bead and stop knot are added on either side of the swivel before the hooks are tied on

5. Stop knots can be made from a 1cm length of silicone tubing. Pass the hook snood line through the tubing twice and pull the line tight to form the stop knot
6. Beads and sequins can be included on each arm of the Wishbone in any combination required before your hooks are tied on

7. The hooks are clipped on the Impact lead. The snood length between swivel and lead clip is 1-3ft. Adjustment for clipping down is by moving the stop knot below the spring and securing the crimp
8. Two bulky baits clipped on a single clip can fail to release or they can wobble and rotate during the cast, cutting distance. Breakaway Tackle produce a small double wire clip that fi ts the Impact lead and separates each hook
● Using three different colour lines for the hook length (black), the main snood (orange) and rig body (white) makes untangling easier. A thicker 30lb line for the main snood (orange) also helps prevent any line twist and tangles.
● The overall length of the hooklength and the hook snood on the Wishbone is optional, but the rig performs best with the snood containing the hooks one third of the length of the total snood length when the rig is clipped down.