PRICE £54.99
This two-piece 12ft telescopic rod is ideal for the travelling beach angler who is pushed for space. The carbon blank has a casting rating of 100g-200g, although the latter may be a little optimistic, but it will easily thump out a 175g sinker.
The butt section has a fixed reel seat in the up position and an EVA grip on the handle. It measures 1.02m when not extended, so you may struggle to fit it into a suitcase, but it won’t take up much room in the boot of a car.
Value for money: This carbon beach rod with excellent cosmetics is a decent buy. It also comes in its own protective tube.
Practicality: Some telescopic rods can fold under pressure but this rod is reassuringly pokey .
Would we buy it? Yes. If you’re constantly on the move and away from your main kit, keep it the car boot ready to fish.