Kompressor WR300
The WR300 is so named after achieving a new UKSF and World Record record cast at Huntingdon, England in May 2002 on 150gm (5.25 ozs) weight. The exact distance was 301.43 yards. The fundamental design is also the proud holder of 125gm (4oz) and 175gm (6.25 oz) records at 287.35 yards and 297.89 yards respectively. The first rod ever to cast over 300 yards at UKSF Grand Prix. Many had said it could not be done and many had tried for years. Autoclave Technology, Gearbox Design and the remarkable dedication of Danny Moeskops have achieved this awe-inspiring set of Records. Now what’s that all got to do with angling and what benefits does it bring you? Simple – Century set out to produce a true fishing rod because the style of casting used in the arena of Tournament casting is not that different to practical sea fishing – just add a whole load of practise and dedication. Using heavier lines and to combat with tough conditions the Gearbox gives terrific control during the compression stage of the cast and brings feel on the retrieve through dense kelp and over rough ground. The WR 300 is a user friendly, practical sea-angling rod that will lift your aspirations to the highest levels. It will retain its casting and fishing parameters long after others have given up the ghost
Blank Colour: Gunmetal
Butt: 74” (1.87m)
Factory Finish: Fuji BNHG
Casting Ratio: 4-8oz 125-225gm
Butt Diameter: 1 ” (2.54cm)
Length: 13’3” (4.03m)
Tip: 85.25” (2.17m
Supplied complete with Century carbon reducer, Century sliding reel seat with integrated Coaster and Century rod