PRICE £249.99
Length: Available in 13ft and 14ft
Sections: Two
Casting rating: 5-6oz
Reel seat: Sliding-lock type
Rings: Fuji BMNAG Alconite
Greys was taking a chance with this rod. Changing a brand that so many anglers had become accustomed to could be risky.
My plan was to fish with this rod, but after my bait failed to show I could concentrate on some casting.
Clipping on a 175g sinker, I gave the Apollo a gentle flick. It felt smooth enough and with a good recovery in the tip section, I sensed a lot of power. I decided on a fishing pendulum style with a shorter drop than usual, and with a faster punch stroke I got right into the heart of the rod.
Pulling the rod through a flat arc and punching skywards, I could feel it working. The tip section wasn’t over stiff, with a forgiving mid-section, and the butt contained heaps of power.
The rod felt good, light for a rough-ground outfit, and was well balanced with my reel in the low position.
With a longer drop I went for the big one – and I got it. The rod came through and loaded smoothly then launched my sinker way out into the tide.
If you liked the early editions of the Apollo, then you’re going to be pleased with the MkIII. This rod casts well and shouldn’t let you down when you need to pile on the power, especially when dragging a fish through kelp. Pity it hasn’t got a white tip!
Final thought
The new Apollo has a slimmer parallel butt, giving it a lighter feel and more control over the sinker during a cast. Finish, fittings and build quality are superb.