PRICE £299.99
Length: 16ft
Sections: Three
Casting rating: 6oz
Reel seat: Sliding-lock type
Rings: Fuji BMNAG chrome-lined Alconite
Rod bag: Yes, including rod bands.
I have tried out long rods before and been stunned at the casting distance achieved for little effort.
However, the Triplex proved to be slightly different from many of the long rods I’d used. For a start, the larger guides are better than some of the low riders that are fitted to some rods. Weed can soon become clogged and jammed in low riders and can be disastrous when a hooked fish dives at the edge.
The butt to mid-section is very powerful, but the tip has a more progressive action because bite detection is a priority.
Casting the rod was a pleasure. With a long drop to a 175g sinker and a simple one step and a push-over-the-head style, the sinker rose high every time.
Each and every cast I tried went a long way with very little effort. The Triplex is a joy to use.
Final thought
The Triplex is 16ft long. If you want to put extra-long rigs with long snoods out to far-off fish, it will do it easily. Fittings and build quality are to a high standard.