PRICE £279.99
Length: 5ft
Sections: One
Rating: 90lb maximum
Guides: Seven
RRP: £279.99
Shimano has been perfecting vertical jigging tackle for many years. It is a method used extensively in Japanese waters for big-game fish and involves lowering the lure to the sea bed and then retrieving a few feet at a time, lifting and dropping the lure on the way up. This covers a vertical column of water all the way to the surface.
By using a Butterfly jig the column of water can be widened, as these specialist jigs are unbalanced, giving a spiralling, darting action. The theory is that when the lure is dropped it takes on a sideways movement.
This means that as it is allowed to drop, it will effectively travel outside the usual column of water, covering a greater area in all. Fine and dandy in Japanese waters, you might say, but does it work here?
Well, I have it on good authority that this method is a killer for cod, pollack and coalfish, so you need a rod to fish the Butterfly jigs off, which brings me to the Ocea Blue Rose rod that has just been launched to cope with this method.
The one-piece rods come in either 6ft or 6ft 4in lengths and are available in four weight categories from medium to extra heavy, and ringed for either multipliers or fixed-spools.
The blanks have been designed to lift up to 20kg dead weight without showing any signs of damage. They all sport SiC-lined Titanium guides, with whippings lavishly lacquered for ultimate protection.
The ribbed EVA foregrip makes heavy jigging more comfortable. All rods have a nylon rod bag. A serious range of rods for the specialist field of jig fishing.