Nobody could claim that Cardiff Foreshore is an attractive venue to fish, though at certain times of the year the fishing at this popular match venue is very good and it has relatively easy access.

Mid-range tides tend to be the most productive at Cardiff Foreshore and, while fishing during daylight is often good, night fishing is often the most productive. This mark is fished for about three hours either side of high water.


Throughout the autumn and winter there are masses of whiting off the Foreshore and the cod fishing can be excellent. At other times of the year expect silver eels and flounder, along with conger, bass and mullet.


Frozen mackerel is the top bait for whiting, with black lug or ragworm tipped with squid accounting for most cod. Various permutations of worms, fish and squid account for most other species.
Various types of paternoster rig work best here. Tackle losses are not excessive, but snags in some areas necessitate the need for a rotten bottom to attach the lead.


Anglers Supplies, 172 Penarth Rd, Grangemouth, Cardiff, tel: 02920 220723.
Opening times: 9am – 5.30pm Monday to Saturday. Closed Sunday.
Bait: Lug and rag daily, peeler crabs weekly when available. Wide selection of frozen baits.

Garry Evans Fishing Tackle, 105-109 Whitchurch Rd, Cardiff, tel: 02920 692968 or 02930 619828.
Opening times: 8am – 5.30pm Monday to Friday. 7am – 5.30pm Saturday. Closed Sunday.
Bait: Lug and rag daily. Maddies weekly. Peeler crabs when available. Wide selection of frozen baits.

Number of lakes/pegs : –
Prices : –
Directions : Turn off the A48M at the Cardiff Docks exit and follow the signs around Rover Way to the dock entrance. Park on the approach road to the dock security gates. The foreshore is a short walk away.