Cowes seafront offers some of the easiest access to deep water on the Isle of Wight.
Parking on the front is within 20 yards of the sea at high tide. A short cast of 60 yards will put your bait in deep, sometimes swift-fl owing, water. It is probably best to avoid this venue during large spring ebb tides when weed can make fi shing impossible.
This is a very popular destination for tourists, which may make daytime fi shing impractical in summer.
Pouting all year round, but most anglers will either be after Dover soles in the summer and autumn or bass from spring to autumn.
Cod can be taken in winter, but are not plentiful. In summer, mackerel are taken on feathers and bass on plugs.
Ragworms catch soles and bass. Crab baits are more effective for bass and sometimes smoothhounds.
Large squid and lug baits offer the best chance of a cod.
Long casting is unnecessary and can often be a disadvantage.
Due to the sometimes heavy tidal fl ow, a rod capable of casting up to 8oz may be required.
Paternoster rigs with hooks of size 2/0-4/0 are needed for bass or cod, but use size 2-4 hooks for soles. Use spinning gear when lure fi shing.
The Isle of Wight is easily reached. Closest ferry to Cowes is the Red Funnel service, which docks in East Cowes (car ferry) or Cowes (passenger service).
Once in Cowes, follow the signs to the sea front, which may be referred to as Egypt Point. If arriving on the Wightlink ferries from either Fishbourne or Yarmouth, follow the road signs to Newport (A3054), then on to Cowes (A3020).
Isle of Wight Tourism, tel: 01983 813800. Web:
Barney’s Bait Supplies, 2 Bridge Rd, West Cowes, tel: 01983 280704 or 07880 674484.
Pryde of Cowes, 12 Birmingham Rd, Cowes, tel: 01983 299211.
Scotties, 11 Lugley St, Newport, tel: 01983 522115.
The Tackle Box, The Broadway, Totland, tel: 01983 752260.
Directions : From Cowes follow the signs to the sea front, which may be referred to as Egypt Point
Season : Pouting all year, sole in summer and autumn, bass from spring to autumn, cod in winter.