Longis is a large bay situated on the south east coast of Alderney. There are several places to fish, most notably the tidal Fort Raz and the rocky headland on the western side known as The Frying Pan.
A myriad of different species have been taken here, but the area is most renowned for its enormous mullet, particularly during the winter. In fact, two of the largest mullet to be landed in the British Isles came from Longis.
Most of the time the mullet can be spotted grazing on clumps of weed attached to boulders, but by using groundbait they can often be tempted into accepting baits, such as king ragworms, meat, maggots and bread. Another good bait is a tiny piece of mackerel flesh with the shiny skin removed. For groundbait try similar substances together with a few dollops of pilchard oil. The general rule of mullet fishing is the lighter the line the more plentiful the bites. Use clear or dull-coloured lines rather than bright ones. Do not use lines of below 5lb. Quite often you are fishing in heavy swells or from high platforms and will need to increase the strength of your line accordingly. The optimum rod is a long match rod coupled with a small fixed-spool reel. The business end comprises of a tiny freshwater-type float balanced with a few split shot and a size 8 hook.
Drive up to the top of Victoria Street, turn left into the High Street and continue along the same road. Go past the golf club until you reach the bottom of the hill. On your right-hand side is a small public car park that overlooks Longis Bay.
Directions : Drive up to the top of Victoria Street, turn left into High Street and continue on past the golf club to the bottom of the hill. Car park on your right overlooks Longis Bay
Season : Winter