The estuary at Workington is mainly fished from the south side of the river from the concrete pier at the mouth of the river up to the harbour bridge. This can be fished from low water up to high water and two hours back but is at its best on the last four hours of the flood tide and in darkness, this is one of the few venues in the area that can be fished in any weather conditions. Fishing is from a steep shingle bank opposite the dock wall on to mud, the section opposite the wooden jetty gives fishing on to weed and mud and the pier stretch is on to stone close in with sand further out.
Summer gives flounders, eels, coalfish, mullet and small codling over the full length of the venue, mackerel and dogfish are occasionally taken from the pier.
Winter gives flounders, dabs, whiting, cod, coalfish and rockling and in recent winters dogfish.
Bait and Tackle
In summer crab is the best bait for most species. Lug and rag will take fish but crab activity can be fierce during the summer months.
Bread is the favoured bait for the mullet anglers while squid and mackerel baits take dogfish.
Mackerel will fall to spinners and feathers.
In winter, lugworms and ragworms are the main baits for all species. Tipping with mackerel can work well, especially for whiting and dabs. On occasions mussels, frozen crabs and squid can all fish well. A light beach rod will cover most situations, especially during the summer with a reel loaded with 15 – 20lb mainline. Try a two-up and one-down flapper rig with 2 – 4oz leads and size 1- 4 hooks.
When targeting larger species or in rougher conditions, use a standard beach rod with a 5 – 6oz breakout lead and hooks up to 2/o.
Tackle Shops
Graham’s Gun and Tackle, 9 – 15 South William Street, Workington. Tel: 01900 605093.
Opening times: Monday – Saturday 9am – 5.30pm
Bait: Live ragworms plus a selection of frozen baits.
Number of lakes/pegs : –
Prices : –
Directions : Head west on the A596 from the Thursby roundabout. Travel through Maryport to Workington and at the first roundabout entering Workington, take the first turning left.