Situated just north of Holmpton on the Holderness Coast, this mark is usually good for cod in winter.
Words and photography by Matt Hope
Located on the eroding Holderness Coast, Hollym beach, known as The Runnels, usually has a gully running from the south side of Withernsea down to Holmpton.
For the last couple of seasons the access to the beach from the high cliffs of Holmpton has been almost non-existent due to the coastal erosion, so it is best to approach from the safer lower cliffs and steps adjacent to the bunker at The Runnels.
Early spring is good for bass or a run of cod. In spring and summer, this is a good venue for a mixed bag of fish, such as dogfish, thornback rays, codling and smoothhounds. Expect bags of cod and whiting in winter.
This mark can be fished on almost any tide and you can often see anglers fishing from the top of the low cliffs on the larger tides. I prefer tides from 5.5-6m (Bridlington scale). There are a few small coves in the cliffs that hold enough sand for you to stay on the beach at the moment, but make sure you can get back up the cliff behind you. Plan your exit route before fishing. A rope and spike come in handy on the Holderness Coast.
There are some big concrete blocks, which can be seen at low water, in front of the get-down at the bunker. To avoid tackle losses, it is best to move 50 metres either side of the get-down to be clear of these blocks.
Peeler crabs can be deadly in early spring for bass and cod, but you may need lugworms too. It’s worth trying prawns or shrimps in the summer. Use pulley rigs for the hounds and rays. Weed can be a problem at times.
An evening tide during or after a storm has produced for me in winter. A building tide in late December is a great time to fish for cod. Use worm or squid baits.

Getting there
From Hull, take the A1033 towards Patrington and Withernsea. At Hollym turn right on to North Leys Road, which takes you to Holmpton Road. Turn right again towards Holmpton. There is a small area for parking, large enough for three or four cars, directly opposite the village road sign and another back up the road towards Withernsea. Do not park in any of the farmers’ gateway or fields.
Once parked, walk along the path at the side of the field on the left-hand side of the dyke, until you reach the bunker on the cliff top. Just to the side of the bunker you will find a set of steps that have been very well dug to give access the beach.
Tackle shop
East Coast Fishing Tackle, 1B Willows Drive, Hornsea, HU18 1DA, tel: 01964 535064.
Holderness Tackle, 118 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HB, tel: 01964 612340.
East Coast Fishing Tackle, 1B Willows Drive, Hornsea, HU18 1DA, tel: 01964 535064.
Holderness Tackle, 118 Queen Street, Withernsea, HU19 2HB, tel: 01964 612340.